Couples counselling (also known as relationship counselling) is a type of talking therapy
that helps you discover harmful behaviours that you can modify to enhance your

According to research published in 2011, couples therapy assists more than 70% of
couples. Fight, flight, or freeze are the three basic expressions of our survival response,
and each can be critical to our survival in situations where our lives are actually at peril.
However, when survival responses are triggered by typical interpersonal conflict in the
absence of actual survival threats, these responses may cause more issues than they

In interpersonal conflict, the “fight” response might take the form of anger/yelling, blaming,
criticising, or running after. “Flight” might take the form of walking away/storming off or
emotionally retreating. And “freeze” means shutting down, becoming numb, or not
experiencing anything. All of these behaviours are natural during marital dispute, but if they
become the norm, they will impede your ability to feel connected, heard, and understood in
your relationship. In survival mode, we become detached from the regions of our brain that
enable us to think through problems, connect, and communicate successfully. In our virtual
sessions, we will help a couple uncover underlying relationship challenges, enhance
communication, intimacy, and build conflict resolution and mutual support skills.

Please feel free to fill out the form below for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss the best course of action for your unique needs.